About Dream Sleep Respiratory

Dream Sleep Respiratory is proud to be a Calgary owned and operated home care, sleep and respiratory clinic.

It was opened in 2011 and since then we have worked to be the best in patient care in the city of Calgary. We pride ourselves on putting a patient’s health and concerns at the top of our list and work hard to be the best in customer service and care.

Since we first opened our doors to the public in our Country Hills head office, we have expanded to include 4 locations in Calgary, as well as offices in Canmore, Cochrane, Red Deer, and Edmonton. In an effort to better serve our customers, we are continually growing and always expanding to serve our Alberta customers better. 

At the moment our services include CPAP therapy for sleep apnea patients including all that is required, sleep testing for sleep-disordered breathing diagnosis, complete pulmonary function testing, and home oxygen. Should you require any of our services we look forward to meeting you, so please feel free to stop by any of our four locations.

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After a sleep test, he quickly set up my husband with a sleep machine, and our lives have not been the same!! My hubby said good-bye to restless legs, and lack of energy, and we are both enjoying the benefits of feeling rested!


Satisfied Customer